Yellow is my friend

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8 Responses to Yellow is my friend

  1. MelindaG says:

    How did you draw that?! Thats just fantastic by the way nice poem!

  2. Sneha says:

    Nice poem and fantastic pictures!

  3. SamuelA says:

    I like your poem and your picture.

  4. DoyinA says:

    NICE pictures vasanar and I like your picture. You have very very good technique.

  5. VasanarV says:

    It took a lot of concentration.Thank you.

  6. Sila says:

    Love your picture , how do you do that?

  7. VasanarV says:

    I practised to do it.

  8. NhiN says:

    I love the way you describe the colour yellow and the drawing you’ve done!good job keep on practising

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